Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Are We Responsible In Making Them The 5th Richest Guys In America?

Are We Responsible In Making Them The 5th Richest Guys In America?: "When I first joined Adsense, I earned only a few cents per day for two years. I was so discouraged back then. But I didn't give up. I continue to create at least one content per day. Now, I am earning an average of $2 per day per website and I have 10 websites. The secret is very simple. You need more traffic to your website in order to make more money. How to get more traffic? You need more content."

How many WORDS do you write per day?

How many WORDS do you write per day?: "Web 2.0 is for me others writing, there might be a better definition. The same as youtube, flickr, facebook and so on do it so much better than me, feed of the hobby market, the desire of people to portray their egos .. Give the silent, technical and mostly artistically inept masses an outlet to their self perceived grandiosity. "

Monday, September 24, 2007

How many WORDS do you write per day?

How many WORDS do you write per day?: "Not sure, around 25 articles on an average day with app. 300-600 words each, so I probably average the 8000 words or so"

Saturday, September 22, 2007

How many WORDS do you write per day?

How many WORDS do you write per day?: "The only hard productivity rule I'd suggest is that there should be at least one new and exclusive article or news item on your site every single day, so that your visitors can build your site into their daily routine."

How many WORDS do you write per day?

How many WORDS do you write per day?: "So many people think that quality writing has to be flowery, or stilted, or have big words. Not true. Clear and simple is best."

How many WORDS do you write per day?

How many WORDS do you write per day?: "It's also good to use 'chapters', even within short articles.

To write, also have to read, and read plenty. Try to e aware of techniques writers are using in good articles. For web, those short paragraphs seem to me more important than in print: text may look daunting on screen."

How many WORDS do you write per day?

How many WORDS do you write per day?:
"1. Put at least 10% of your effort into writing the headline. Short, overtly attention grabbing. Humorous if possible.
2. Make sure you have an intro to the article, 50 words max. Don't reveal all in the intro., let it pose more questions than answers. Tantalise your reader to go further into the article. But hint at all the main points
3. After the main body of the article have a conclusion. The conclusion should refer to the intro, it should entice the reader to return at a later date ('watch this space for more') and/or read other pages.
4. Research, research and more research.
5. Keep words simple and precise, sentences direct and precise, paragraphs short and logically ordered. 6. OBSERVE .... and over-report. Always collect more information than you think you need. It's easier to delete than to go back for more.
7. DESCRIBE .... note every single detail, even trivial ones when interviewing or researching. When constructing an article, the trivial often becomes significant.
8. LISTEN .... get inside the head of the person you are interviewing or reading about.
9. Write press releases. Editors desperately need something to write about. Give them a 'bare bones', well constructed press release and they will use it. 10. Use humour, make your audience laugh. Ugly people look beautiful if they make you laugh, the same applies to your web site."

How many WORDS do you write per day?

How many WORDS do you write per day?: "Writing is definitely a 'muscle' in your brain that improves with use."

How many WORDS do you write per day?

How many WORDS do you write per day?: "Ideas sometimes come seemingly through the keyboard, through the very act of writing. Ideas that you had not thought of, and had no idea were going to emerge from your brain. Sometimes, it's as if the act of writing actually creates the content out of thin air. Have you ever had that experience? I sure have, many times.
That's why it's sometimes a good idea to make yourself produce something. Because maybe it will be crap, and maybe you will surprise yourself. You won't know until you stop typing and read over it."

How many WORDS do you write per day?

How many WORDS do you write per day?: "I write maybe an article every week, anything between 1,000 to 10,000 words. And as for pictures, they do speak a 1,000 words and they set you apart from the rest of the crowd. They are the method for providing content on the web at a level that a book (at any reasonable cost) cannot provide. To take that picture requires time in many cases, costs you in others, but readers like them. Words and pictures go together on the web sites."

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Link Baiting & Effective Link Building

Link Baiting & Effective Link Building: "With link building there are essentially 5 types of “hooks” or pages built to encourage links. They are: News, Contrary, Attack, Resource and Humor."

eureka! -- a breakthrough with adsense

eureka! -- a breakthrough with adsense: "Providing advertising for the benefit of the readers. A page swamped with sneaky Adsense adverts may trick people into clicking, but it's a short-lived fantasy. Clear links relevant to the subject, of use to the reader, will naturally generate interest because of the mutual benefit. Excessive advertising just annoys readers. "

"How do I get more traffic to my blog?" from the Ask Dave Taylor! Tech Support Blog

"How do I get more traffic to my blog?" from the Ask Dave Taylor! Tech Support Blog: "the core answer is actually pretty easy: the best way to generate traffic for your blog is to reframe the question. Instead of asking 'how to I get more visitors to my site?' you need to be asking the question 'how do I become part of the blogosphere discussion?'"

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

First $50 day using Blogger!

First $50 day using Blogger!: "One thing I have been doing is trying to predict who/what will become popular i nthe next few months and make a blog about it. Myspace unsigned artists and Amazon advance sales list are a good indicator. I started the Colbie Caillat blog when she was top of Myspace unsigned. when she got signed and released an album I was in great position in the google searches to take advantage:"

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

How many WORDS do you write per day?

How many WORDS do you write per day?: "I make pictures picture = 1,000 words 3,000 "

How many WORDS do you write per day?

How many WORDS do you write per day?: "Writing is a bit like sport, in that (a) it requires fitness obtained through daily practice, and (b) the more you do, the better you get. "

Saturday, September 01, 2007

How many WORDS do you write per day?

How many WORDS do you write per day?: "I never updated a site in many many years. So non? Its not about how many words or pages you have. Its not about continually adding stuff for the sake of it. I wrote what I did 7 or 8 years ago for the fun of sharing useful information about a diverse bunch of stuff/hobbies etc. When I finished I had nothing else of any 'real value' use to say. The stuff I wrote I did because I understood more about those subjects than anyone else did. Thats still the case. Its about building a website that people want/find useful/offers something new/saves people money or time/shows them how to do something/shares experiences or whatever. But for it to work it needs to be a new, fresh idea or something that isnt already out there at the very least. There no point in being a 'me too' because it does not work unless you have more to offer than the best of the rest. You site must be head and shoulders above the rest for it to get the natural links and PR to be a success. Just writing more and more pages that you have no passion for to stick ads on is a recipe for mediocrity. Your question. How much content can you produce each day? Is the wrong question. You need to think what can I offer the visitor? Less is more - quality is whats important not pages of text with ads on. "