Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Translate by Humans

"I have one of my sites translated into a foreign language by human translators.

Some months I do better with those than the English pages!

I wouldn't do a machine-translated site. In my opinion, you're better off English-only than with poorly translated pages.

It's especially true if you want people to return to your site. A promise of a French or German site might lure people to visit your site and maybe follow an AdSense link out, but how likely will they be to return to your site again?

If you're trying to be an authority site for anything, a site where you want people to return for information again and again, you're not going to get that with lousy translations.

If you want visitors to take you seriously, you have to take them seriously. You have to show them that you respect them, and a poor translation will not convey that.

If you think your content is valuable, if you make money off of the quality of your content, don't negate its value with bad translations. Spend the money to have a human translator do it, or don't do it at all. " ccDan