Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Build Stability

"For me, this is effort done largely instead of things other webmasters are doing, not in addition to. Want to spend time running a link-building campaign? I would rather form relationships with advertisers that result in very relevant one-way inbound links from what Google will likely classify as authority sites for some useful keywords. Want to spend time doing keyword value analysis? I would rather spend time analyzing which advertisers are spending the bucks and pick my keywords up right from them.

Why would I rather spend my time on this approach than the activities most commonly discussed in this forum? Because of my belief that it's exactly what the Smart Pricing system is telling me to do, and will give me more AdSense dollars for the same amount of traffic.

I think Google has been pretty clear about what behavior they're going to reward, so since I'm not smart enough to keep trying to game every new tweak in their algorithms, I would rather just work on giving them what they want. In the case of AdSense dollars, it seems clear to me that they want traffic that converts well for advertisers. In my experience with paper-based publishing, it was awfully hard to figure out what converts well for advertisers without spending some time focussing on, well, advertisers. I see no reason why AdSense should be any different in this regard." ronburk