Friday, September 02, 2005

Crappy is Short Lived

"In one of the heated discussions we had before on what defines a scraper site, one proponent of scraper sites proudly boasted that he/she is on the way to 7 figure income. The poster admitted that his/her sites are crap. That was a year or so ago.

A few months (or weeks?) ago, I saw a post from the same person saying that he/she now only earns a few hundred dollars or less. The poster said that his/her site took a hit when G cleaned up crappy sites.

Crappy sites = short term
Good sites = long term

Just figure out what you want a year from now. Others may want to make hay while the sun is up and churn out dozens and dozens of crappy sites. If you're for the long haul, though, you'll stick to quality sites" alika